For the highest good of all
Truth Integrity Awareness
Your spiritual community for discerning false light infiltration from the highest frequency light for awareness, truth and integrity of Lightworkers.
What we do
Our mission is to create community for discernment, awareness and empowerment in a Spiritual culture where false light and lower consciousness energies dominate the spiritual movement.
Identifying False Light Teachers, Programs and Trends seen in the Spiritual Community
Create Collaborative Awareness for Enhanced Guidance & Understanding
Tools and Resources to Clear your Energy of any False Light Interference
The Podcast
Tune in to conversations, interviews and guests on our show discussing all things false light, lower consciousness energies and how Lightworkers can navigate this Spiritual Community with Discernment and Integrity intact.
Join the Private Telegram Community
The FREE Telegram Support community is for individuals sharing personal experiences, building awareness, enhancing discernment and gaining valuable tools and insights as LightWorkers.
Why we are different
With personal experiences being the victim of (and healing from) dark energy infiltration – as Spiritual Entrepreneurs and Lightworkers we feel it is our duty to share the awareness of this very real situation so others can learn, heal and discern while on a Spiritual journey.
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Say Hello!
Let us know if you’d like to share your story with us or how we can support you in your journey as a LightWorker